How to Deal with a Colicky Baby

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Yes, being a parent comes with priceless rewards. Sometimes it can be downright difficult, though. With all the constant feeding, frequent diaper changes, anxiety, and little to no sleep, you’re probably or most definitely exhausted. However, if you have a colicky baby, this can easily increase the stress and anxiety you’re already experiencing. Don’t worry, though. You’re not alone. Keep in mind that you’re not to blame. Although colic symptoms might worsen before they get better, they last for only a couple of months.

What Exactly Is Colic?

If you have a significantly fussy little one, it’s normal to wonder if you’re baby might have colic. In general, doctors diagnose this condition when there’s no concrete reason for a baby to cry for a prolonged time. This incessant crying usually happens at night, but it can happen at any time, usually with babies with acid reflux or are extra fussy. Visit a pediatric specialist in Salem if you are not sure what to do.

With colic, you need to remember the rule of threes: it begins approximately three weeks after birth, crying that persists for three hours at least, and symptoms starting to get better at three months. To determine if you have a colicky baby, keep a crying journal. Because while the crying might seem like hours, when you list the exact times your baby cries, you might find that the crying might actually be in the ballpark of 30 minutes in the course of one day.

Dealing with Colic Symptoms

The primary issue with colic is that experts still haven’t pinpointed what exactly causes it, which means that there’s no clear treatment for it. All you can do is to make sure that your baby is as comfortable as can be because your baby can’t exactly tell you what’s making her fussy. You can try cuddling her, swaddling, singing to her or making soothing sounds, and positioning her at her side. However, if your little one is showing any sign of illness, such as lethargy, vomiting, refusing to take the breast or bottle, or diarrhea, go to the doctor as soon as possible.

sleeping infant

Other Things to Try

Once you’ve made sure that your baby’s diaper is clean, has been fed, and isn’t too cold or hot, you can try the following:

  • Take a car ride with your baby.
  • Rock or wing her softly in your arms, the stroller, or the baby swing.
  • Turn on the vacuum or a device that produces some sort of background or white noise.

More importantly, don’t be guilty about taking a small break if you’re at your wit’s end over the incessant crying. It’s perfectly normal to feel frustrated and out of your mind when dealing with a colicky baby—yes, even if it’s your own flesh and blood. Taking a break will help clear your head and make you feel refreshed and ready to take on the day. When your little one has colic, every single minute can feel like an eternity. However, rest easy knowing that in six months, maybe sooner, it will stop.

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